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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pink Christmas

This tutorial was written on November 4, 2013. Any similarity to any other tut is purely coincidental. I use PSP X5, but you should be able to do this in any version.

You Will Need:
Tube of choice. I used one from the Bad Girls Pack by Arthur Crowe. You must have a license to use this tube. You can find his tubes here.
PTU kit Christmas Toon from Amy Marie . You can pick it up here.
Font: Snowhouse  (14 pt, no stroke)
Terms to Know:
C&P-Copy and paste
SAFDI-Selections>Select All>Float>Defloat>Invert
SAFD-Selections>Select All>Float>Defloat
DS-Drop Shadow (My default DS settings are: 3, -3, 50, 5, black)
Crop to Selection- Ctrl+a on the layer below the one you just pasted a paper (or object) on. Back to the paper (or object) and Shift+r.
Center in Canvas- Objects>Align>Center in Canvas
Apply Mask- Layers>New Mask Layer>From Image and choose your mask.
Add Noise- Image>Add/Remove Noise>Add Noise (My default settings are Gaussian, 50%, Monochrome)

All instructions regarding tubes assume you are using the same tube I did. If you use a different one, adjust size/placement accordingly.

©  Open new image 850x315, flood fill with color of choice. Open pp5, resize 850x315, C&P, open and apply mask, resize 118%, Center in Canvas, merge group.
©  Open 80, C&P, resize 77%, place in upper left. Duplicate, place in lower right.
©  Open 56, C&P, resize 81%, place where you like. Duplicate, flip horizontal, place where you like.
©  Open 1, C&P, resize 63%, place where you like.
©  Open 72, C&P, resize 54%, place where you like. Duplicate, flip horizontal, flip vertical, place where you like, merge down. Duplicate, merge down. Duplicate twice, place where you like.
©  Open 13, C&P, resize 42%, place where you like.
©  Open 15, C&P, resize 32%, place where you like.
©  Open 14, C&P, resize 32%, place where you like.
©  Open 63, C&P, resize 26%, place where you like.
©  Open 43, C&P, resize 38%, place where you like.
©  Open 76, C&P, resize 23%, place where you like.
©  Open 27, C&P, resize 24%, flip horizontal, place where you like.
©  Open 82, C&P, resize 24%, place where you like.
©  Open tube, C&P, resize 60%, place where you like.
©  Open 68, C&P, resize 55%, place where you like. Duplicate twice, place where you like.
©  Select your Text Tool and write your name, add noise if you want. Place where you like it, Convert to Raster, SAFD, Expand 5, Layers*New Layer, Flood Fill with color of choice and drag below text. Add Noise if you want. Activate text, Merge Down.

©  Add DS to any layers you want. Add your CR info and you’re done! Thanks for using my tut J!


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